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Integrate and Automate your Wix Store with Merch Factory.

March 15, 2024

Get Site ID

To retrieve the “Site ID” of your Wix Store, go to the “Home” page of your Wix Dashboard. For instance, if the home URL is, then the site ID is 9f93111a-d140-46ac-98d1-b6edb623dec5.

Get the API Key

  1. Visit Wix Panel (, click on the “Generate API Key” button, and fill in the fields as follows:
    Name: Merch Factory
    Permissions: All Site Permissions —> Wix Stores
  2. Click on “Generate Key” and proceed to verify the 6-digit code sent by Wix to your email address. Once verified, a token will be displayed on the screen. Be sure to copy and securely save this token as it will not be visible again.

Connect Wix Store with Merch Factory

Go to your Merch Factory Dashboard and go to the Wix Store page. Enter the Store ID and API Token you obtained earlier, then click on “Connect Store.” Congratulations! Your Wix Store is now linked to Merch Factory, enabling you to automate your orders with ease.

Link your Wix Store Products with Merch Factory Products

  1. Visit your Wix Dashboard and navigate to the “All Products” page.
  2. Edit the product you wish to link with Merch Factory.
  3. In a separate browser tab, open the Merch Factory Dashboard and go to the “Saved Products” page.
  4. Open the product you want to link and copy the ID from here.
  5. Return to the Wix Dashboard tab where the product edit page was open.
  6. Ensure that under “Product Options,” you have added size options.
  7. Enable “Manage pricing and inventory for each product variant.”
  8. Below this, locate “Manage Variants” and click on the edit button next to it.
  9. A modal will appear with variants and SKUs.
  10. For each variant, click on it, enter the SKU.
  11. The SKU format should be: “MF,” a space, the SKU copied from the Merch Factory Dashboard, another space, and finally, the variation/size of the product you want to link. The final SKU should resemble: “MF 213433213 XL.
  12. Click on the “Apply” button and save the product.

Congratulations! You have successfully linked your Wix Store product to a Saved Product in Merch Factory!

Fetch Orders from Wix Store and Process them in Merch Factory Dashboard

Once you’ve successfully linked your Wix Store products with Merch Factory by adding SKUs in the Wix dashboard, you’re all set to manage orders seamlessly.

  1. Visit the “All Orders” page in the Merch Factory Dashboard or Application.
  2. Navigate to “Draft Orders” to view pending orders linked to your Wix Store products.
  3. Click on the eye icon under “Actions” to review order details.
  4. Process the order, ensuring accuracy and completeness.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully processed your first Wix order with Merch Factory.

Additional Settings

Update Tracking Details when the Order is Shipped: When this option is enabled, the tracking details will be automatically updated in your Wix store when the order is shipped from Merch Factory. This even works with orders that have products from multiple channels / vendors. In these cases, tracking details are only updated for the products that are shipped from Merch Factory.

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