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Integrate and Automate WooCommerce Store with Merch Factory.

March 23, 2023

1. Connect WooCommerce Store to Merch Factory.

Things you should know before proceeding:

  1. Your WooCommerce store should have an SSL (https).
  2. Site permalink structure should be “Post Name” (You can change this by going to settings > permalink in your WordPress admin).
  3. WooCommerce should be installed on your WordPress website.
  4. Products which you link to Merch Factory should be “Variable Product”.

If you have read these four points, then go to the “WooCommerce Store” option in Merch Factory Dashboard. Type the store URL and give the required permissions to integrate. It will take you to your website and then take you back to the Merch Factory dashboard.

2. SKU mapping and order fetching.

To begin, you need to create a product in Merch Factory and save it to your collections. To do this, go to “Saved Products” in the Merch Factory Dashboard and create a product.

Next, to link this product to your WooCommerce store, open it and copy the SKU from the Merch Factory Dashboard. Then, go to your WordPress admin > products and paste it in the SKU of variations of products. 

The SKU you paste should be in the format: the word “MF” then a space, then the SKU copied from the Merch Factory Dashboard, then a space, and then the variation/size of the product you want to link. It should look like: MF 213433213 XL

Please see the video below for reference:

After you have mapped the products correctly, the orders from WooCommerce will be fetched if they contain items with the SKU you just provided to variable products in your store.

You can see the fetched orders on the “All Orders” page in the Merch Factory Dashboard. They will be marked as “Draft Orders”. You can view them by clicking on them, edit the order, if necessary, check it, and then place it finally in the Merch Factory Dashboard.

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